Yamaha Jupiter MX Modifikasi Street Fighter 2012

Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC Street Fighter 2012
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC Street Fighter 2012 - Trend in the trend modification motorcycles motorcycle modification and 2tak 4tak, recently was identical to the flow of streetfighter style. One example of the Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC this 2012.
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC Street Fighter 2012 - In changing the model Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC ini.Modifikator duck combine combat, technology and culture, but still do a little feature turned streetfighter, especially the end of the seat and sepetbor, and also includes a swing arm design style that American-style long.
Taken the body design that reflects the model horses lumping the combination of technology and culture. Lamps taken from Yamaha Jupiter Z

Modifikasi Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC Street Fighter 2012