Modified 2011 Yamaha Byson Black Pictures

Best Modifikasi Motor 2011 Yamaha Byson Black
Yamaha Byson 2011. Cyborg so memikiran General to conceptualize Yamaha Byson mount. Curve of the original body Byson memanh already impressed fierce. If conceptualized as cyborg robots will be different story. Problem create Byson segarang cyborg look, Nur Iskandar modifier Ist Custom Bike, Porwokerto is most astute. Broad imagination, sob.
Yamaha Byson 2011. If you still remember, greeting Is Nur Iskandar never menbuat future street fighter style some time ago. In this modification, the most important imagination. Problem how to make it, just use fiberglass, said modifier ini.Ya humorous, imagination. Byson body indentations are less assertive than fiberglass.modifikasi redesigned Yamaha Byson 2011. Lekuken deliberately made somewhat rigid by the number of lots. Firm and sharp curves are identical with the body on cybory, advanced Is.
Yamaha Byson 2011. Then as the final formation that looks more like this Byson cyborg, Is designing the robot's face like a head lamp. This modifier is often ngelawak head lamp shell filled with a lot of lights. Yamaha Byson 2011. Noted there are 8 pieces attached to the shell lamp lights
Yamaha Byson 2011. Prefer to use the indicator is built motor. This is done so as not to consume a lot of places in the motor. In order to look presentable, so that his impression lanjutnya.Namun fused with the body, Is using a holder made of fiberglass. Pengkon is attached to the gas tank cover. Pangkon speedometer tied using nuts and bolts 10.
Yamaha Byson 2011. Note the forward suspense plots Yamaha Byson Ist Nur Iskandar modifier of Custom Bike, Navan this. Telescopic no longer ta, pack from the outside. Pretentious sleeve fitted fiberglass cover, said sapaannya.Menurut Is Is, the front suspension technique iniprinsip basically like ass on a motorcycle cover. The top and bottom cover shells are made from fiberglass. Bottom holder attached to the T top, while down on the axle.
Data modification Yamaha Byson 2011
DPN tire: 100/70-17 IRC blkg Tires: 110/60-17 Rims Dunllop DPN: CBR 1000 Rims blkg: CBR 1000 DPN Discs: TDR blkg Discs: Nissin swingarm: Custom Exhaust: Custom Modifikator: Ist Modifications, Jl. Kingdom Karangsalam (front Rectorate UNWIKU)