Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing Pictures

Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. Inspired to make a racing-style motorcycle racing prototype it. Yamaha V-Ixion capitalized, which since 2007 has been with him, made it straight into the kitchen operation modifier.
"It's absurdly responsibility bro, because I really like hang out at the MotoGP race bike. So Yamaha V-Ixion direlain for modified, "said skipper sate who hung on Jl. Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. Satte Te ... Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. These changes follow the inspiration of the Yamaha MotoGP team made the 2011 season. When the Yamaha team to celebrate their work 50 years in MotoGP. "Relying on the body livery or graphics that the greatness of berkelir Yamaha white and red fall while competing in the MotoGP series in Germany and America," said Wardoyo, builder of garage in Gandul G2C, Cinere, Depok. Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
However, to blend the colors are not exactly the same with the Yamaha team in MotoGP. "I was basically reverse the colors, if the original on white berkelir MotoGP Yamaha V-Ixion red color instead of color so basically," said Hashim who chose the color because the alloy V-Ixion on his red berkelir vehicle registration.

Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. But, sponsor logo attached to the fixed body is created equal. Sticker printing techniques which rely on the process much simpler. For graphic design in the area of the body, directly entrusted to the Portal Design work on cutting the usual stickers and sticker printing. Specialist stickers hung on Jl. Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
Framework of V-Ixion the model strongly supports the view made deltabox Jorge Lorenzo and Spies Bens. So change the chassis focus on the sub frame is formed slightly taller and slimmer, adjust tongkrongan original. Process of order would not take long. Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. While the change in the body rely on galvanized plate with a thickness of 0.8 mm. To adjust the framework formation of the plate body is sleek V-Ixion, so the overall body design is not too gambot. "Motor is still used for daily activities, body shape so I'm not too big," said Hashim from Madura.
The area of the legs still adhered to the standard display at the front tomorrow. Just rely on the swing arm custom created to resemble the model used Yamaha R6. "The original swing arm is still used but re-established model of condom coated with a metal plate," said Wardoyo again. Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012

Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. Bair tongkrongan made more robust as racing, the area shall be provided with a touch of the wheel rim width dimensions. "To rely peleknya after market products locally from RGV, wear size 3.5 inches wide for the rear and front 2.5 inches," explained this curly-haired builder. Modifikasi Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion Prototype Racing 2012. Most sip model exhaust pipe, bends and design actually made the same pledge made by Yamaha team. These creations are applying G2C silencer pipe is not very long. Starting from the neck and belly shaped like a muffler, but still fit the character of the kitchen runway Yamaha V-Ixion. "Not bad his voice is still okay as branded exhaust pipe," Hashim happy.
Data Modifikasi Motor Yamaha V-ixion :
Front tire: 110/70/17 Swallow
Rear tire: 130/70/17 Tire Deli
Exhaust: Custom Product G2C
Footstep: Yoshimura
G2C: 021-46427753