Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers Pictures

Best Modifikasi Motor : Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers
Best Modifikasi Motor Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers - Last edition featured two petering Semarang and Jakarta. Their genre Chopper X-Treem and Socal style. Binter Merzy bro's now based Asep Speedway with a rake meeting. Binter modification Merzy 1965. It's not a poser or a class of Short Hang out through a small trip was everywhere.
Best Modifikasi Motor Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers - Speedway for practically petering rare. Rake the meeting and a short wheelbase makes it illegal. Binter modification Merzy 1965. Usually owners prefer Short trip, but like any Speedway looks unique and perfect for my posture, said MC Hammer Black Life Member of this Purwakarta.
Best Modifikasi Motor Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers - Modifications be submitted to the kang Nono of the notch Manos custom settings of the machine bro Usman from Bandung. Modifikasi Binter Merzy 1965. The design is usually somewhat adherent monos Speedway. Back bone is made slightly upwards so that tank can hanging below the chassis.
Best Modifikasi Motor Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers - Centerbone straight back down to the rear axle. Best Modifikasi Motor Kawasaki Binter Merzy 1965 Xtreme Choppers - This means that this bike is pure hard tail. Barely there is made a short half Sepetbor rear wheel with the typical old school bar motosport in the Era of Flat track in the 50s.
Data Modification Binter Merzy 1965
Triangle: GL-Pro, Carburetor: Kawasaki Ninja, Sok front: Honda Tiger
Modifikasi Binter Merzy 1965