Yamaha RX-King 2008 Pictures

Best Modifikasi Motor - Yamaha RX-King 2008 Gress
Best Modifikasi Motor - Yamaha RX-King 2008 Gress - For Sale
Gress 2008 yamaha rx king
Gress 2008 yamaha rx king
Item Condition: Used
Price: Rp. 15
Seller Location: DKI Jakarta
On sale Yamaha rx king of 2004 years of use in 2008 hands of a new plate from the center of Jakarta
I bought in 2008 but the vehicle registration and BPKB in 2004 and I have no idea why the dealer sends his 2004 motorcycle to my house, and to prove the authenticity of his letters please see my reply surat2 photo images that motor right in purchasing of new and in use in 2008 on behalf of my sister (merry)
conditions of the original full motor and engine never in kutak katik if you want to buy this bike in the workshop please check the official yamaha or bring your own mechanic.

Modifikasi Yamaha RX-King 2008

Modifikasi Motor Yamaha RX-King 2008 Gress
option a genuine yamaha wheels (new)
2 disc yamaha original discs (new)
3 kilometers yamaha rxz (resale)
4 oversized engine 0
5 surat2 complete (BPKB, vehicle registration, INVOICE, BON PURCHASE FROM DEALERS.)
6 The original parts are kept (closed chains, mirrors, rear box)
sell for 15jt nego (thin)
location of the motor in cibubur
hub 021 9770 5969
please in value