1976 Honda CB-100 Classic Motorcycles

Honda CB-100 1976
Honda CB-100 1976 (First Hand)
Item Condition: Used
Price: Rp. 5.5 million
Seller Location: West Java
I want to loose one of my mounts.
Goods classic, Rat's suit, but the original and have a comfortable okay.
Sold because I was basically selling gan.
Note: Do not sell the material!

Vintage Motorcycles Honda CB-100 1976
For Sale!
CB-100 1976, states:
Ownership + one hand.
Letter + complete, orderly taxes, and congenital ori motor.
Parts ori + 90%.
Shock front glatik ori +.
+ Ignition CDI.
+ Sound machine, is used daily as ane.
Non Ori:
+ Karbu
+ Close the left kempol
+ Mika Sein
+ Selahan (taken him wear)
+ Wheels, tires, and gasoline.
+ Rear shock.
Location: Corner Dago, Bandung.
Price: Rp 5.500.000, - (no bargain dibeliin stengkas, mica ori sein, rear shock)
Contact: 085 223 285 102 (Sdra.Tesa Yohan) or PM gan. : P