Best Modifikasi Motor Honda Tiger Fairing Moto GP Sportbike Style

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Honda Tiger Fairing Moto GP Sportbike Style
Best Modifikasi Motor Honda Tiger Fairing Moto GP Sportbike Style

Honda Tiger firing modifikasi above is designed in the perfect custom modifikasi firing motor with custom cat kuning, then perfect with modifikasi rangka pipa, this motorcycle custom style rangka pipa Honda Tiger modifikasi firing is the place to create sportbike and firing place. Well, at the tanki Honda Tiger 2011-2012 modifikasi above use custom modifikasi tanki with carbon black to make this sportbike motorcycle custom look perfect.

Modifikasi motor Honda Tiger fairing at this image is also use custom modifikasi monoshock, knalpot dibawah jok and custom modifikasi bodi jok moto GP style. This Honda Tiger modifikasi is absolutely look perfect, you can use this custom modifikasi motor to build new face for your Honda Tiger.

Modifikasi motor Honda Tiger firing Moto GP sportbike style is designed for the rider that like full fairing modifikasi motor and sport moto GP fairing modif. Honda Tiger is the sport touring motorcycle that has new design for this 2011-2012 then this modifikasi motor is one of the best creation that combine full fairing Moto GP modifikasi. This custom sportbike style modifikasi Honda Tiger has new design at the front suspension that now this Honda Tiger use custom upside-down modifikasi.

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