Modified Drag bike styling. sharing knowledge
Here, for agan "a curious n want to know, what is the drag style, n it like what type of modifications such dragstyle. who know can add insight agan.
This type of modification is identical to the wheel of his finger and small tires. Ubahan2 on engine components such as bore-up machine, the up-stroke, and changes in noken ass needed for more powerful motor performance.
Motorcycle Drag also usually replace shock, CDI, and carbu ...
# for normal wear CDI CDI BRT / Rextor that has been on sale in stores vareasi motor. CDI BRT will minimize fuel use, and eliminate the limiter on the motor.
Approx price to the CDI BRT Hyper band: 350rb, to the Dual band: 450rb, to the i-max 25-step: 800rb.
Here, for agan "a curious n want to know, what is the drag style, n it like what type of modifications such dragstyle. who know can add insight agan.
This type of modification is identical to the wheel of his finger and small tires. Ubahan2 on engine components such as bore-up machine, the up-stroke, and changes in noken ass needed for more powerful motor performance.
Motorcycle Drag also usually replace shock, CDI, and carbu ...
# for normal wear CDI CDI BRT / Rextor that has been on sale in stores vareasi motor. CDI BRT will minimize fuel use, and eliminate the limiter on the motor.
Approx price to the CDI BRT Hyper band: 350rb, to the Dual band: 450rb, to the i-max 25-step: 800rb.

# to carburator usually wear Pe 28. Price less than brand TDR / Keihin: 350rb. # to Shockbreaker usually wear brand YSS. My advice if for daily use in the view DRAG better tire wear due to display size 60/80 Drag fit, and not too small like the size of FDR drax 50/90 50/90 due to the small size of most people complain about its rim easy almu sepeleng. Because the wheels do not have the endurance almu like iron alloy wheels, alloy wheels almu tend to be weaker against collision.