Best Modifikasi Motor : Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro Pictures
Best Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro 2012

Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro 2012 : Once bought Pairo Cat brand Scolitlite cristolight kuning.maunya color does make modifications to his Honda PCX, when it occurred to a large body of Honda PCX would need a lot of paint. Yamaha Mio Soul 2007. After the painting process is complete it still remains too much paint pairo.Modifikasi said Yamaha Mio Soul 2007. Paint the rest were saved, who knows when others can still be used or have a friend in need so that thinking minds Pairo.

Best Modifikasi Motor : Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro 2012 : When it comes to modifying mio soul with the body Fino, Pairo remembered by Cat mistress. savings can be exploited to paint the body Fino. Yamaha Mio Soul 2007. Her whole body was painted yellow Fino scolite yellow, just like the color PCX. Sweeten body is perched dirangka Fino mio soul, not allowed to paint yellow Scotlite sendirian.Modifikasi Yamaha Mio Soul 2007.
Best Modifikasi Motor : Yamaha Mio Soul Style Fino Retro 2012 : Bodi was behind the deck, under the seat cover and rear center body, painted red ngejreng. Yamaha Mio Soul 2007. Then decorated with a minimalist graphic airbrush 3 lines thick. Additional red paint and graphics mminimalis make visible fresh Fino, said the man was 30 years.
Data modified Yamaha Mio Soul 2007
Tires: FDR 90/80-17 (front), FDR 120/70-17 (rear), rim: Ride it 2.15 x 14 (front), Ride it 2.50 × 14 (rear), Headlights: Fino projector, rear lights: LED Fino, Part bikers: the cover disc, close the engine oil, brake oil cap, key cover, Handgrip: Kitaco, Close CVT: panom, Workshop: Zone modified, jl.murni No. 36 Bandung
Yamaha Mio Soul 2007

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