Best Modifikasi Motor : Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Moge Sporty 2012

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Best Modifikasi Motor : Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Moge Sporty 2012

Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Sporty Moge is the result of modifications that rely on custom to create an impressive display mounts daily, Rury Purwantoko accidentally buy Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-i for the modified. Because, it looks half fairing impressed responsibility. As fans moge sporty, definitely want to try a full fairing applications dong.

Moreover, his intention, motor vehicles has also become an alternative to the office as in the previous view Byson Honda Tiger VS. "During these disposable cars. But, the road has begun to jam. So let all wrote dimodif eye catching as well, "explained the man who lives in Pamulang, Tangerang, Banten.

While waiting for the mail out of vehicles, the new Pulsar was immediately brought to the Blessing Motor (BM). "The concept of Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Moge Sporty suit the owner. But, try to wear have handed full fairing Suzuki GSX 600, "said Rudi Gunawan of the workshop is located on Jl. Ciledug Raya, No. 1, Kreo, Tangerang, Tangerang.

The concept of using GSX 600 fairing offered not just any call. Rudi saw fit headlamp Pulsar 220 is carried by a fairing. Lights are widened, more aktraktif when juxtaposed to the body's Supersports Suzuki.

However, the dimensions of the fairing re-adjusted the standard framework. "Pulsar's unique light. Widened but did not look wide. Thus, the fairing on the Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Sporty Moge is reduced dimensions, "explains modifier of two children.

Use of materials from fiberglass, starting from the top to the bottom of the regenerated. Adjustment occurs in the concluding section, aka the dashboard speedometer. Spido standard digital pulsar is small.

"Finally made a new dashboard so it can close out the inside. Proven instead Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Sporty Moge is more cool," I'm Rudi. Adjusting the rather wide fairing, front fender part replaced. That is, use a cheat sheet of fender Cagiva Raptor.

Supporting the sporty impression, the stern take note. Detail perfect for the concept of a single sitter. But, not by replacement of the body. "Just wear seat cover aja. So if you want berboncengan can be opened, "said 36-year modifier again.

Turn the rear legs are played. Kawasaki Ninja 250R swingarm was chosen to replace the standard arm. Understandably, because the application monosok. "Unitrack not installed so that the standard was still able to function Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Sporty Moge this," said Rudi.

Blow or praise for the manufacturer when he saw the modif in Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-i belong to this Purwantoko Rury. All depends on the judge's point of view. Because without having to remove the identity, the Pulsar is the red appear more attractive!

Modification of, did not want to change the total 220 cc motorcycle Hindustan country of origin as in the other view Ceper Modification. "Because of this new motor, fear will be associated with a valid warranty is also something else," Rury said that working in Karawaci, Tangerang, Banten.

Regardless, at least the Pulsar 220 could be an option when you want to modif style moge. The sale price of affordable motor could be an alternative to get the motor spec 200 cc and above. "Contrived concept Modified Bajaj Pulsar 220 Ala Moge Sporty streetfighter also steady," said Rudi.

Tires: MRF
Monosok: Suzuki Satria F-150
Deltabox: Fiberglass

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